Sunday, 21 January 2007

Humph strips...

I quickly figured out that the best way for me to produce daily strips was to write and draw them as a batch, that way a theme could be inserted, allowing the strip to carry it for the week. I found this approach really helpful as one of my big commitments in those days was to Yorkshire Television.

I became involved in producing full colour cartoons for the Calendar program. I'd get a call, sometimes around 2.00pm, asking for at least four cartoons. These would all be based on various news items. The deadline could be just after 4.00pm and to be collected by courier for that evenings show. As the jobs were frequent, it made sense to work on the daily strips within a fixed timescale, always trying to keep a month in front.

Therefore, here's a few more strips which appeared in both the Bradford Telegraph & Argus and Manchester Evening News.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Calendar should definitely bring them back. Needs perking up a bit.