Monday, 22 January 2007

Putting the cat out...

Whilst visiting a convention, someone kindly mentioned to me that when they were younger, they would collect each Matt and the Cat strip and place it on their bedroom door, by doing so, creating one large story. Okay, the cat is about to be put out, didn't think that after all these years we would be following the cat and his hope to post his comic, let's read on! In order to take you back to a time when comics were cheaper to purchase, and in the midst of enjoying Transformer adventures, you were also introduced to a boy, a cat and a whole host of strange characters, I'm posting on the blog just the first few original Matt and the Cat strips for your enjoyment. This is to be followed by a brand new 23 page adventure of Humph the Cat. It's simply my way of saying thank you to all those who read the strip back in the 80s and kind enough to write about it.

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