Sunday, 21 January 2007

Well, that hurt!...

Okay, so this is only the early stage of putting together my blog, but already memories of creating what proved to be a fun strip are flooding my mind. So, let's begin with a little bit of background. It's 1979, and much to everyones surprise, I've found the perfect working place in the house...the broom cupboard! Yes, I did say the broom cupboard! It happened like this, a friend at that time mentioned that it would be impossible for anyone to work in such small and cramped surroundings, but I was to prove him wrong. In fact, I proved him wrong for the two years that were to follow. True to say that if I stretched out my arms, I touched all four walls. I kid thee not, true believer, I in no way exaggerate when I say that within the somewhat limited area of space, I put a desk with drawing board, small filing cabinet...the sweeping brushes moved out and the artist's brushes moved in.

It's quite common for characters to be based on people or pets, and this was to be of no exception. I'd originally rescued the cat as a kitten from someone wanting to name him, Elvis! He had a mountain of personality and loved to sit by my drawing board whilst I worked. He also had the strange habit of sleeping in odd places, usually on his back with his large feet up in the air. It was during one of these occasions that whilst walking down the stairs, I happened to begin to stand on the cat! My fault as I was looking at a book cover at the time. I felt my foot slowly start to touch his feline tum, suddenly aware of what was about to happen, I pulled back, twisted awkwardly and fell down the entire flight of stairs. I guess I was lucky in that I came out of it with two broken ribs. The following night, Humph jumped onto the bed, equally bouncing on to my chest. He was so pleased to see me, happy memories!

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